Thursday, 29 April 2010


The "Re-imagining" of the original 1984 horror flick A Nightmare On Elm St is out next week and i will be queuing to watch it!

Like the original it has a pretty unknown cast and will be very loosely based on the original movie with name changes and by the looks of it a very diff rent looking cast

Previous actors such as Robert Englund (Krueger) and Heather Langenkamp (Nancy) will now be played by Jackie Earle Haley and Rooney Mara who for some reason has been renamed Nancy Holbrook instead of Nancy Thompson.....pointless name change in my opinion...change is overrated,especially when it comes to remakes of already brilliant movies

The original was written and directed by Wes Craven who had previously directed Last house on the left (1972) and The hills have eyes (1977) both of which have gone on to be remade,Craven also dircted a few other movies in this time.
New line cinema have chosen Samuel Bayer to direct the remake,Bayer has previously had a successful career in directing music videos and promotional videos for the american government....hopefully he will do this movie justice as most of the videos he has directed have been for bands and artists such as greenday and marylin manson

Hopefully the movie will be as good as the last few nightmares
my personal favourite was the comedy horror 3D extravaganza FREDDYS DEAD!It came out the year i was born (1991) and is brilliant!

Part of me wants him to keep coming back and ruining teenagers lives but also part of me wants the story to end somewhere so as not to milk the nightmare on elm st franchise and just turn it into a complete farce like they did with JASON X! (fail)

So yeah......I'm looking forward to watching this baby!

Thursday, 22 April 2010

GEEK CHIC!has it peaked?

So,its filtered down to £1.00 clear lensed wayfarer frames at primani,beggining with luellla 2 years ago,whos spring/summer line was heavily influenced by Terry Zwigoffs Ghost world

A look that was so unsexy that it is infact sexy (somehow) that dosent focus on womens best features and curves,was only for the brave and very difficult to pull off without looking like a complete douche.

Now geek chic has taken a new more wearable form in a very romantic book worm fashion as seen being worn by the likes of Fearne Cotton and Peaches Geldof....with names like these it was only a matter of time before this occured

Im not sure wether lauren conrad is aware what she is doing to luellas hard work
but destroying it would be a good guess

atleast we have the memories

vivienne westwood x melissa LADY DRAGON

As a proud owner myself of these shoes in PINK!(of course)i thought id write abit about them!

They are made of PVC,scented with a tropical fragrence that in mine has lasted for a good few months and they are very comfortable inndeed!remember jellies when you were little?they are like them....but BETTER!
Available at


Habitat cuckoo clock (RRP £25.00)

Habitat cuckoo clock (RRP £25.00)
Available in black,white and red this LED alarm clock wins for the less chintzy or retro!

The Test Pattern

Very smart,reminds me of Joy Division.
Available at


Talking Heads for me are a band that everybody should listen too at least once in their life
the album Speaking in tongues (1983) charted 15 in the US billboard charts and 21 in the UK charts which is a great success for an art punk band at this time.

the limited edition LP version of speaking in tongues (pictured above) won the artist Robert Rauschenberg a Grammy,this album looks and sounds perfect.

Written by Talking Heads front man David Byrne the album features tracks such as "Burning down the house" and "Naive melody" with the instrumental sounding just as good as the lyrics and vocal on all tracks,this isn't an amateur album,it isn't a bubblegum album and it is something that i can listen to again and again.I got the album from a hmv when i was 13 after hearing a talking heads track on the simpsons and the more i listen to their music the more i appreciate how much of the band goes into their music,which is as rare now as it was then.


Im a huge fan of orchids i think they kick ass,in the summer i like to have a few plants on my windowsill and the flowers from the plant look chic pinned into victory curls for a cute 1940s look!


Cheryl wears casual chic with a practical Lady Dior tote

Its cute as hell,maybe even the next chanel 2.55!